UroLift Treatment for Enlarged Prostate in New Jersey
UroLift Treatment for Enlarged Prostate in New Jersey
UroLift® System
FDA Approved BPH Treatment
Welcome to Urologic Solutions, your trusted destination for exploring treatment options for an Enlarged Prostate. We offer the UroLift treatment, an effective procedure that does not require heating, cutting, or destruction of prostate tissue.
At Urologic Solutions, Dr. Husain utilizes the UroLift Delivery Device to insert UroLift Implants around the prostate. This allows for the lifting of the prostate and pulling of its edges away from the urethra, resulting in improved urinary flow.
Why Choose UroLift?
The UroLift System is a proven minimally invasive procedure for treating an enlarged prostate. It does not require heating, cutting, or destruction of prostate tissue. The procedure is typically performed as a same-day outpatient procedure under local anesthesia. Benefits of the UroLift System include safety, rapid symptom relief, and minimal risk of sexual dysfunction. The UroLift System is covered by Medicare, national, and commercial plans. Typically, no catheter is required after treatment.
UroLift has advantages over traditional treatment methods. No cuts or sutures are required. A local anesthetic is typically all patients need. Return home soon after treatment. Results are long-lasting. No maintenance is needed.
How Does The UroLift® System Work

Is UroLift Right for You?
If your BPH symptoms have started to negatively impact your daily life and overall quality of life, it may be time to consider UroLift treatment. Take our BPH quiz to assess the severity of your symptoms.
Contact us today to schedule your urology consultation with Dr. Aftab Husain at our Perth Amboy clinic in New Jersey. Call (732) 826-0059 or request an appointment online. Experience renewed control over your urinary system with the UroLift System at Urologic Solutions.
- 663 Brace Ave 663 Brace Ave, Perth Amboy, NJ 08861, USA
- 732-826-0059
- info@urologicsolutions.com